Hello! This is the infamous travel blog for OWLs (Older Wiser Ladies) ages 40 to 80 plus.
We have traveled the planet in search of comfortable places to be beau-dacious!
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19 July 2010

To Prague or Not to Prague

A friend has never traveled off the continent. His girlfriend (an OWL) wanted him to attend a family wedding in Prague. The idea of leaving his comfort zone made him nervous. So he asked me to help him because he knew I'd assisted others in the office with their travel plans.

1.) Valid Passport: I made sure he had a passport and it was up to date. To leave the country a passport has to have more than six months remaining until expiry.
2.) Travel Lite: I suggested he travel light, taking a carry-on wheelie suitcase (up to 9x12x22-inches). And then, a daypack for important everyday items such as camera, sunglasses, map and guidebook.
3.) Moneybelt: When I mentioned he needed a moneybelt to wear UNDER his clothes, he balked, saying that he never keeps his wallet in his back pocket. I asked, "Where then?" He said proudly, "I keep it in my front pants pocket!" The pickpockets will love you, I laughed, and then, convinced him to buy a moneybelt. A moneybelt keeps your credit card(s), bank card(s), return ticket, and passpost safe. Treat a moneybelt like a saftey deposit box. Not all hotels have safes to keep these important articles, so a moneybelt comes in handy and it's harder for pickpockets to get at it when it's worn under your clothes.

All very important things to remember. The day he was leaving he popped into the office for one last question. I could see he was both excited and terribly nervous. He asked, "Should I rent a car to drive around? I think I will."

Because he'd never been to Europe before and because buses and trains are easy, I suggested he not rent a car this time. Besides, family members would be there and he needs to relax and let them squire him around. His shoulders dropped, relieved. "Now get out of here and have a good time!" I said, smiling.

He returned home after two weeks and said they had a fabulous time.

Happy travels!

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